Investors who invest a small amount of money in the stock exchange.
Examples for "institutional investor"
Examples for "institutional investor"
1European institutional investor Legal & General Investment Management also supports the proposal.
2The transaction was done with an institutional investor not named by HNA.
3The shares were placed with a London institutional investor, the company said yesterday.
4Sterling provides advisory and financial services to the corporate, individual and institutional investor.
5IT IS always refreshing to hear an institutional investor speak up.
1Guttenberg said it was essential for GM to find a private investor.
2For that it guarantees a return on capital to the private investor.
3The property is understood to have been bought by a private investor.
4The purchaser, a private investor, will earn a return of 5 per cent.
5More will follow depending on the level of private investor interest.
6Members of its private investor counterpart, IPI, say the same about their group.
7There is no shortage of options available to the private investor.
8The retail investment has since been sold to a private investor.
9The development is by a private investor and is being built by Rohcon.
10Seasoned private investor Dr Geoffrey Taylor from Cheltenham is equally delighted.
11It is understood to have been sold to a private investor.
12Nor has it been acquired by private investor Mr Austin Conboy.
13Yet CommBank remains the most structurally important private investor in fossil fuels in Australia.
14Finnegan Menton sold the mid-terrace building in a private transaction to a private investor.
15The priority now is the search for a private investor.
16He made his fortune as a stockbroker and became a private investor in 1996.
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Private investor nas variantes da língua
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